Monday, 2 July 2012

Bowing to you all!

5000 page views! I still find it hard to believe!

I knew a day would come when Writer's Loft would cross 5000 views and I even promised to treat my friends when it did, but I never thought it would come by so soon. Not that I mind!  

As I look back, I can still remember the evening of 16th August, 2011 when I got about to creating my blog right from choosing the apt name to keying down my first post.  And believe it or not, I had actually been coaxed and threatened by my uncle to do it. I’m so glad he did that!

My blog became my baby, my work of art, my creativity, my canvas, my delta from where my thoughts ventured into the vast world. I couldn’t wait to write! And when you visited my blog, read my words, dropped by even the smallest of appreciation (or critique!) each one of you brought a huge smile on my face.

To share my inner-most thoughts, views and perceptions with you has been a life-enriching phase and I hope you all keep coming back!

I may have sometimes made you smile, sometimes think, sometimes bored you and sometimes made you sad but I have always loved, cherished and valued your being there.

To all those who’ve left their beautiful words for me, and all those who haven’t, all those who’ve come again and again and all those who haven’t, to all those who’ve encouraged me — I bow to you!

For you all have been the reason, Writer’s Loft continues…

And I promise to you, there’s still,
Miles to go before I sleep…


Garima said...

Congratulations and Celebrations...!!!
Thank you for such beautiful posts...
May you to reach 10000 views in much shorter tym n i believe u will.:)
N even i need a treat ;)

sladdha said...

Many Congrats...Eagerly looking forward to a 5 million ...Keep writing more often...You're going Great Guns !!!

Shikha said...

Now its 51 centuries that i see...!!good going aditi...u have a long way to go:):)

Anonymous said...

Congrats and keep it up! Good time to work on a book simultaneously... I know you can. :)

Aditi said...

Garima, thank you for considering my posts so beautiful! I'll have a smile on my face all day long now! :)
Shikha, it's you guys who got me to 51 centuries! :) Thank you!

Aditi said...

sladdha, thank you! I genuinely mean it!

Folks, he's the reason why Writer's Loft exists!

Aditi said...

Bhat Sir, I'll try for sure! Thank you for your faith in me!

Ishita Shah said...

Congratulations!! Uve nailed it:D

Anonymous said...

that has to be special...congratulations for the writing - the real milestone has been your evolution as a writer !

Aditi said...

Ishita, thanks! U finally commented didn't you! ;)

Aditi said...

Prashant, thank you! Not just improving as a writer, lots of other milestones have been crossed! I hope it continues the same way...

Anonymous said...

hey Adi..lately I've written a few, some heavy stuff, on my blog..a story too...I thing you would like em for sure ! Thanks !

Vikash said...


Aditi said...

thansk Vikash! :) Prashant, I'll check out your blog tonight! And read each one of your posts for sure! :)