other day while surfing through the channels, a dance reality show on
television, Dance India Dance Li'l Masters caught my eye. (And breath!) Two
kids maybe around 10 or 12 years of age were all set to dance. The anchor asked
them what dance style they were going to perform? The smaller one among the two
promptly replied 'Robotics'! The next question thrown at the boy was which
song. For a few seconds he was quiet and then he turned towards his mentor
sitting with the rest of the dancers and asked very cutely 'which song was it?!'
The studio audience, judges and other participants were all in splits and
understandably so! But if anyone wrote off the boy at that moment, it would be
wrong. Because when he did perform, he performed so brilliantly, you'd have
been rendered speechless! The boy did know what he was doing!
incident on the same line happened on Masterchef Junior. A 12 year old girl,
Isabella, was preparing tzatziki sauce with her lamb pie. Ok if you're still
not shocked a small wake up call - a 12 year old girl was preparing pie which by
the way turned out to be good! What was I doing when I was 12? Umm I was in
class 6 and was fantasizing myself in Hogwarts and loving the pair of Nancy and
Ned! Both of which I still do! *Grinning sheepishly*
back to the point where she was making the sauce. One of the judges came and
asked her what she was preparing and the girl told him, self-confessing that
she couldn't pronounce tzatziki properly! And my first reaction was 'She can’t
pronounce it but she can cook it! Unbelievable!'
these kids reality shows which have once again resurfaced to the television
foray both national and international, revealing the immense talent and vast
potential which kids have are loved by one and all. The passion they show
towards their work and the dedication which drips from every action is way
beyond their years!
kids today have an amazing platform to display their skills at such an early
age and I hope these shows do justice to them.
luck and best wishes to all the talented kiddies from an ardent, awed and
inspired fan! :)
everyone wants to be famous. There is no harm in it. Only thing is to handle fame - you need to grow with it and understand that its never permanent and there are things better than it too !
More than fame or anything else, when you see those kids working with passion, you feel so happy for them! :)
You know, one of the kids on Masterchef Junior, is preparing to launch his own cookbook! At the age of 10!!!
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