Ritika, I feel lucky to have shared such a bond with you.
And thank God you have a sense of humour… otherwise our list of fun moments would have been so few! ;) Don’t bother if others don’t understand your jokes…! They’re missing out on a lot…:p
To my friend of 15 years and my newly-declared step-sister (pun intended!),
Happy Birthday!
Wish you all the love, success and happiness in the world!
You deserve the best of everything and much more!
Love you loads!
My mouth is still open and im not being able to blink (ignore the mosquito-bitten eyes. its fine now)! This is so good! Beats my Movie present which i was so proud about.
My first reaction was "lets read the trick of trades first:P"... Followed by "ooooh im rock steady". The bottom-right pic was actually funny.
My office friends would really miss my jokes. Our "wavelength" hardly matches. And finally you accepted me as your step-sister... THATS a gift.
Thank you so much. And thanks to all my friends who have been a part of my life. I think they already know they mean a lot to me.
BABAAA.... ;)dats AWSM aditi dis is da bst gift 4 a frnds u is HARD ROCK n SOFT HEARTED. i hope u gonna gv me some triks so dat i 2 cn steal some of ur ideas 4 my frnds. the best part abt u gals is dat u r STEP-SISTER'S n still drs no BACK-BITCH sounds intresting. if i vuld hv been dr 4 ONE MORE MONTH i HOPE I culd HV TRIED 2 match WAVELENTH wid u n also tried 2 hv da same FREQUENCY. (plz dnt mind AGAR COMMENT ACHA NAHI LAGA :P) ASHISH VYAS
Hey Ashish!
Thanks for commenting! :) Now step-sisters and still no back-bitching is a secret! ;)
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