Thursday, 20 September 2012

Nostalgia haunts!

There was a time when school friends used to drag me in the rain and I used to enjoy the drops of water falling all over me! A soaked-to-the-skin trip home would be met with the ire of mother. And today I prefer to roll up the car windows when it rains!

While passing by a school church today, with the morning mass bell chiming along, I was swarmed with thoughts of our morning assembly in school. And then after so long I witnessed the adjoining school assembly going on, from the corridors of my college.

While attending a very boring lecture in college the other day, I noticed that the lecturer was rocking back and forth while reading her notes. So bored was I that I traveled two years into the past to a soft skills course I'd taken, where our Sir used to constantly reprimand us for moving too much while addressing an audience! you can very well imagine how boring the lecture was! And Zubin Sir, see I still remember what you taught us!

And the reason for nostalgia hitting me in the middle of September (a peak pressure period for the ones in the CA profession!), is that today after a long, long time Calcutta's seen a bandh, meaning an off-day from office and work! How I miss these bandhs which were a regular feature until the new government came a year ago! 

All nostalgic, waiting for another off-day to come my way! Actually even a holiday on Sunday would do!

P.S : I know I haven't been regular this month with my blog posts and I'm sorry people, but there has been just no time at all! See you post-September! Or maybe before (hopefully)!

What do you miss most?!

Friday, 7 September 2012

'Torn!' Need I say more?

Love the work you do.
Love your life more.
Love your close ones most.
Don't let the ones who matter most, walk away!


Torn between my love and life,
The winds of passion against me,
Responsibility keeps pulling me down,
While my love walks out the door.

Frustrated, devastated
Nowhere to go; bound to work,
I walk down the memory lane.
Her laughter, her freshness, her passion, her free will,
Make me resent her absence.

I wish I had stopped her,
I wish I had heard her,
Though we may not have agreed,
I wish I had spoken to her.

My work had become my life,
I had simply expected her to stay.
Not realizing that as days passed,
My love had become her life.