Friday, 29 June 2012

Random Awkwardness!

Ever come across those moments when awkwardness takes over all else?

  • Remember those teeny-weeny moments when you are sitting with someone and the chair squeaks and squeals with every movement of yours and you are at a loss at whether to continue speaking, or wait for the chair to stop!

  • Often it happens that during the morning rush hours, passengers start shouting the choicest expletives at the bus-driver for driving so slow and when the driver starts driving rashly the same passengers are the first ones to hold on to their seats as if their life was at stake!

  • When you suddenly have a hymn or a bhajan or some popular movie track playing aloud in an otherwise quiet room and the source of that sound is a cell-phone! Invariably, the owners of such phones seem to be taking the most time to answer their calls!

  • Imagine the scene :
You are engrossed in work.
So is your friend.
Suddenly the friend starts mumbling something and you keep responding only to realize later that the person wasn't even talking to you, just thinking aloud!

Share your awkward moments here! After all we all definitely have some! ;)

P.S. : Priyanka, it's turned out to be good, hasn't it? ;)
P.P.S : Vikash, you might just get a treat after I cross 5000 page views with this post! Yes, I said "might"! :P
P.P.P.S : For all those who don't know who Priyanka and Vikash are — these two are among the crazy lot of friends I have at work! And they both rock!
And yes, there are no more Post-scripts to read! Another awkward moment? Or maybe not?

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Oh Nature!

And here comes the second lot of pictures clicked by me on the weekend away! I am in love with them, unabashedly and I hope you fall for them too!

Two to tango!

Wish we had such pictures in our bio books!

Near yet far...

And we all fall down!

Perched atop.

Colour combo!
Like them ..?

Monday, 11 June 2012

Skies in full glory!

A weekend away from the city, friends all around, serene Mother Nature and a camera at hand...
The results are here for you to see!

Reaching out to the horizon.

Doesn't it look like a painting?

The Three Musketeers...

Colours getting hazy!

Playing peek-a-boo!
Liked it?

More to follow soon! :)

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Rain, rain, come again!

I was waiting for my Dad to pick me up. It had started drizzling. A heavy bag on back, rumbling stomach, tired after a long day's work, I parked myself under the shade of a nearby well-known hotel's portico.

Knowing that Dad would take time, I started fidgeting with my cell. Taking out my earplugs, I started disentangling them (They always get entangled!). A sudden gush of wind, throwing droplets of water all over me, made me look up! The drizzle had now turned into a downpour. People had flocked around me by then. Some were talking among themselves, some on the phone.

I wish someone had taken my pic! ;)
It dawned on me that the city which had been boiling in the past two weeks was finally getting a wash of relief! To hell with the phone! Shoving it out of my gaze, I stood looking at the small droplets of water being blessed on us by Him. I could feel my lips curving upwards! As if in agreement, lightning jolted in the sky, thunder startled everyone around!

The next few minutes no thought crossed my mind, no messages had to be answered, no calls to attend… Just the wind blowing my hair around, the water splashing on me in and out, the coolness tingling my wet skin, eyes sparkling at every streak of light in the sky, claps of thunder sounding like music!
Just a Calcuttan enjoying the first showers!

And then Dad came. The phone came out and this post was born!