Thursday, 31 May 2012

They leave you speechless!

The other day while surfing through the channels, a dance reality show on television, Dance India Dance Li'l Masters caught my eye. (And breath!) Two kids maybe around 10 or 12 years of age were all set to dance. The anchor asked them what dance style they were going to perform? The smaller one among the two promptly replied 'Robotics'! The next question thrown at the boy was which song. For a few seconds he was quiet and then he turned towards his mentor sitting with the rest of the dancers and asked very cutely 'which song was it?!' The studio audience, judges and other participants were all in splits and understandably so! But if anyone wrote off the boy at that moment, it would be wrong. Because when he did perform, he performed so brilliantly, you'd have been rendered speechless! The boy did know what he was doing!

Another incident on the same line happened on Masterchef Junior. A 12 year old girl, Isabella, was preparing tzatziki sauce with her lamb pie. Ok if you're still not shocked a small wake up call - a 12 year old girl was preparing pie which by the way turned out to be good! What was I doing when I was 12? Umm I was in class 6 and was fantasizing myself in Hogwarts and loving the pair of Nancy and Ned! Both of which I still do! *Grinning sheepishly*
Getting back to the point where she was making the sauce. One of the judges came and asked her what she was preparing and the girl told him, self-confessing that she couldn't pronounce tzatziki properly! And my first reaction was 'She can’t pronounce it but she can cook it! Unbelievable!'

All these kids reality shows which have once again resurfaced to the television foray both national and international, revealing the immense talent and vast potential which kids have are loved by one and all. The passion they show towards their work and the dedication which drips from every action is way beyond their years!
The kids today have an amazing platform to display their skills at such an early age and I hope these shows do justice to them.

Good luck and best wishes to all the talented kiddies from an ardent, awed and inspired fan! :)

Monday, 28 May 2012

Pulled down by expectations!

After continued attempts at penning my thoughts on paper, frustrated, irritated and filled with despair, I still don’t know where to start. And until I don’t pour the words out, this clenched feeling in my heart just won't go away.

Not a state you’d like to be in — where you have so much to say, yet you don’t know how to say it!
In plain and simple words, without bothering to embellish or adorn it –

I am disappointed. 

With myself. With others around me.
There, I said it!
Yes, disappointed.
Every time, the delicate lace of expectations that I weave, comes apart, I try and depict the pattern again!
Why, when people have disappointed me, do I trust them again?
Why do I seek them again when they were the ones who left me alone?
Why do they become a priority in my life, while I still remain an option?

Blame it on the unrestricted and boundless flow of emotions through us humans, I guess!

All seems to go well, and when you least expect it, all goes downhill!

Such is the way of life.
It surprises you when you expect it the least, but need it the most.

I am sorry to have bored you with this note of self pity and I want to thank you for having taken out the time to read this!

It truly means a lot to me!

Just one sincere and heartfelt advice –

Love yourself. More than anyone else in the world. Because you deserve it!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

I do! Do you?

Dedicated to those who made me realize along the way that love doesn't always give back love! Thank you for teaching me one of the harsh realities of life...

I do! Do you?

I never meant to hurt you,
I never meant to slight you,
I wish you'd understood me,
I'd never have gone without you.

My love was all I had for you,
My concern was all I showered on you,
Yet you thought I pestered you,
I'd never have done that to you.

If I was tired, I was no fun,
If I was fun, I was trying too much,
You always had a complain about me,
I'd always tried not to do that to you.

I wish you'd loved me,
I wish you'd seen me,
I wish you'd cared for me,
Because that is all I ever did to you.

Forever and ever and ever...

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Here 'n' there!

Well, I’ve been meaning to write for sometime but just haven't found the time... And energy... And inclination... And idea...

Well still at a loss on what to write about, (it happens when your mind is filled with Maths formulae, Tax provisions and concepts of Accounting in a bid to finish the exam syllabus ASAP!) here's just a quick recap of things that caught my eye but weren't enough for individual posts!

  • The trailer of Love, Lies and Seeta in which the girl says “love is a lie every teenage girl tells herself.” Loved the line!

  • Now that my CA final tuitions have begun (at 6.30 in the morning!) I realize that Calcutta does wake up early!

  • And the feeling which overwhelms me every time my short stories are appreciated was something I experienced multiple times during the past week! My friends at office deserve special mention and attention in this case! Thank you people!

  • But the one news which made me prance about in the air was that the TV show Castle will now feature on Indian television not one but five days a week!

Wrapping up with nothing more to say yet lots left!

See you again in a week!

Till then keep sharing your ‘here n there!’

Friday, 4 May 2012

Giving you more reasons to smile!

Sometimes even a simple memory can make you smile and at times it takes more than two to do the tango!

By the time you finish reading this, I want your face to be lit with a dazzling smile!

Here goes!